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Unit 5: Opposites
T/B pg: 11 - 12.
Explain to children the meaning of opposite word.
Give some example and talk about it.
Guide children to use simple description to compare two object which are opposite and completely different from another thing.
Question and answer with children. ( Lesson and activity using multimedia ).
Writing: moon, hill, rock, stars, tent, lamp, fire, twigs.Eng. Act. Book ( Land transportation ) pg: 39 - 40.
Phonics - Introduce the sound br, cr, gl, pr, sm, sn, sp, tr. Read the words and simple sentences.
T/B pg: 11 - 12.
Explain to children the meaning of opposite word.
Give some example and talk about it.
Guide children to use simple description to compare two object which are opposite and completely different from another thing.
Question and answer with children. ( Lesson and activity using multimedia ).
Writing: moon, hill, rock, stars, tent, lamp, fire, twigs.Eng. Act. Book ( Land transportation ) pg: 39 - 40.
Phonics - Introduce the sound br, cr, gl, pr, sm, sn, sp, tr. Read the words and simple sentences.
This week new vocabularies :
inside, outside, clean, dirty, wet, dry, old, young, fat, thin, short, tall, empty, full.
Brush, brick, brain, crow, crown, crab, glass, globe, glue, pram, present, smart, smile, smell, snake, snail, sniff, spots, spill, spoon, train, trunk, tree.
inside, outside, clean, dirty, wet, dry, old, young, fat, thin, short, tall, empty, full.
Brush, brick, brain, crow, crown, crab, glass, globe, glue, pram, present, smart, smile, smell, snake, snail, sniff, spots, spill, spoon, train, trunk, tree.
Bahasa Malaysia
Unit 5: Haiwan
Buku Teks; m/s 12 - 13 Buku Tulisan
Buku Kerja, m/s 9 - 11
Memperkenalkan haiwan-haiwan laut berdasarkan buku teks dan menanyakan kepada murid tentang haiwan laut yang biasa dijumpai.Membuat ulang kaji tentang haiwan jinak, haiwan liar dan haiwan laut serta tempat tinggalnya dengan menggunakkan multimedia.
Buku Teks; m/s 12 - 13 Buku Tulisan
Buku Kerja, m/s 9 - 11
Memperkenalkan haiwan-haiwan laut berdasarkan buku teks dan menanyakan kepada murid tentang haiwan laut yang biasa dijumpai.Membuat ulang kaji tentang haiwan jinak, haiwan liar dan haiwan laut serta tempat tinggalnya dengan menggunakkan multimedia.
Perkataan baru dalam minggu ini:
ikan yu, ikan paus, ikan pari, sotong
ikan yu, ikan paus, ikan pari, sotong
i) 教师分发汉字卡,让小朋友根据老师的指示归类。
ii) 教师说“谁手上拿着‘单人旁的字’的举起来。”
汉语拼音:双韵母ui, iu
课本:第10页~第11页 作业:第11页~第12页
i) 教师分发汉字卡,让小朋友根据老师的指示归类。
ii) 教师说“谁手上拿着‘单人旁的字’的举起来。”
汉语拼音:双韵母ui, iu
课本:第10页~第11页 作业:第11页~第12页
Unit 2 - Addition - Addition by 'Tens' and 'Ones' with Regrouping
(i) Addition of 2 digits and 1 digit numbers.
(ii) Addition of 2, 2-digits numbers. Show pupils in vertical form in picture and number method)
(iii) Homework : Workbook page 11(Add)
(iv) Homework : Mathematics (K2) page 12 (Add and write the total) and page 13 (Fill in the missing numbers)
Unit 2 - Addition - Addition with regrouping in sentences and addition of 3 numbers (regrouping and without regrouping)
(i) Using picture example, show pupils the addition question in sentences form and convert it into vertical form to add
(ii) Taught pupils to add 3 numbers step by step in horizontal form for both regrouping and non-regrouping numbers
(iii) Class work: Textbook page 11 (Add the numbers)
(iv) Homework: Workbook page 12 (Add the numbers). Mathematics (K2) page 11 (Add and write the answers)
(i) Addition of 2 digits and 1 digit numbers.
(ii) Addition of 2, 2-digits numbers. Show pupils in vertical form in picture and number method)
(iii) Homework : Workbook page 11(Add)
(iv) Homework : Mathematics (K2) page 12 (Add and write the total) and page 13 (Fill in the missing numbers)
Unit 2 - Addition - Addition with regrouping in sentences and addition of 3 numbers (regrouping and without regrouping)
(i) Using picture example, show pupils the addition question in sentences form and convert it into vertical form to add
(ii) Taught pupils to add 3 numbers step by step in horizontal form for both regrouping and non-regrouping numbers
(iii) Class work: Textbook page 11 (Add the numbers)
(iv) Homework: Workbook page 12 (Add the numbers). Mathematics (K2) page 11 (Add and write the answers)
Music & Movement
Repeat the pervious song ' You are my sunshine ' and other songs.
To make children realize that to respect our National Anthem is a way to show our love for the country and stand still when the National Flag is being raised.
Money In Everyday Life (Part 2) - Return Exchange
(i) Using E-Daya software, pupils to do an on hand exercise to purchase items with the correct money nominations.
(ii) Homework: Worksheet : Word problems on addition. Count and write the answer (2 worksheets)
(iii) Homework : Worksheet : Word problems on subtraction. Count and write the answer (2 worksheets)
(i) Using E-Daya software, pupils to do an on hand exercise to purchase items with the correct money nominations.
(ii) Homework: Worksheet : Word problems on addition. Count and write the answer (2 worksheets)
(iii) Homework : Worksheet : Word problems on subtraction. Count and write the answer (2 worksheets)