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Unit 9 : People.
T/B pg: 20.
Introduce the words ( I am , You are , He is , She is ). Spell and read.
Explain to children these words are for singular nouns.
Make a substitution table and guide children how to form simple sentences.
Read aloud the simple sentences. Drill them.
Writing: a mouse , a magazine , an elephant , an umbrella. Eng. Act. Book ( Weather and seasons ) pg: 47.
Phonics: Introduce the sound and, ack, ake, eep, art.
Read the words and simple sentences.
Introduce the words ( I am , You are , He is , She is ). Spell and read.
Explain to children these words are for singular nouns.
Make a substitution table and guide children how to form simple sentences.
Read aloud the simple sentences. Drill them.
Writing: a mouse , a magazine , an elephant , an umbrella. Eng. Act. Book ( Weather and seasons ) pg: 47.
Phonics: Introduce the sound and, ack, ake, eep, art.
Read the words and simple sentences.
This week new vocabularies :
I am, you are, he is, she is, Weather, seasons, sunny day, windy day, rainy day, cloudy day.
Sand, hand, land, sack, tack, rack, wake, bake, cake, peep, jeep, keep, dart, tart, part.
Sand, hand, land, sack, tack, rack, wake, bake, cake, peep, jeep, keep, dart, tart, part.
Bahasa Malaysia
Unit 10: Teknologi Maklumat
Buku Teks: m/s 23 Buku Tulisan
Memberi penerangan tentang teknologi maklumat contohnya monitor, tetikus, papan kekunci dan unit pemprosesan pusat dengan menggunakan kad imbasan. Menerangan kepada murid tentang kegunaan komputer misalnya menaip, menghantar mesej dan sebagainya menerusi multimedia.
Memberi penerangan tentang teknologi maklumat contohnya monitor, tetikus, papan kekunci dan unit pemprosesan pusat dengan menggunakan kad imbasan. Menerangan kepada murid tentang kegunaan komputer misalnya menaip, menghantar mesej dan sebagainya menerusi multimedia.
Perkataan baru dalam minggu ini:
monitor, tetikus, papan kekunci, unit pemprosesan pusat
monitor, tetikus, papan kekunci, unit pemprosesan pusat
单元 八 : 故事1.老师以清晰、响亮的声调流利地讲述故事。
复述。5. 老师引导小朋友进入书写活动:根据教材回答问题。
复述。5. 老师引导小朋友进入书写活动:根据教材回答问题。
Unit 6- Time (Minutes)
(i) Pupils to count from 0-60 in fives. Teacher to write the minutes on the face of an analogue clock as pupils count.
(ii) Emphasize each mark on an analogue clock means 1 minute.
(iii) Taught pupils to read the time in 2 ways. Eg.: 5:10 to be read by (a) Five Ten or (b) Ten Minutes Past Five.
(iv) Homework : Textbook page 26 (Draw the clock's hand and fill in the time)
(v) Homework : Workbook page 24 (Fill in the minutes and write the correct time) and page 25 (Match the analogue clock's time to the digital clock's time).
Unit 6 - Time (Telling Time)
(i) Teacher to state a time verbally and pupils to draw the hour and minute hand on an analogue clock worksheet. Pupils to state the time in wordings and in digital time form.
(ii) Teacher to state a digital time and pupils to draw the hour and minute hand on an analogue clock.
(iii) Teacher to show an analogue time and pupils to state the time in wordings and in digital time form.
(iv) Homework : Textbook page 27 (Colour the clock that shows the correct time).
(ii) Emphasize each mark on an analogue clock means 1 minute.
(iii) Taught pupils to read the time in 2 ways. Eg.: 5:10 to be read by (a) Five Ten or (b) Ten Minutes Past Five.
(iv) Homework : Textbook page 26 (Draw the clock's hand and fill in the time)
(v) Homework : Workbook page 24 (Fill in the minutes and write the correct time) and page 25 (Match the analogue clock's time to the digital clock's time).
Unit 6 - Time (Telling Time)
(i) Teacher to state a time verbally and pupils to draw the hour and minute hand on an analogue clock worksheet. Pupils to state the time in wordings and in digital time form.
(ii) Teacher to state a digital time and pupils to draw the hour and minute hand on an analogue clock.
(iii) Teacher to show an analogue time and pupils to state the time in wordings and in digital time form.
(iv) Homework : Textbook page 27 (Colour the clock that shows the correct time).
Practice graduation song : Sayonara Bokutachi no Youchien (Goodbye our kindergarten)
Music & Movement
Repeat the Tamil song ' Kaikarigal'. Guide children to sing along.
Theme: Travelling in our country & To know historical places in our country. ( Revision).
W/B pg: 18 - 20.
Children share their experience about the places where they have been in our country.
W/B pg: 18 - 20.
Children share their experience about the places where they have been in our country.